Our content contains:

Ability to use exams on all devices!

Timed multiple choice exams.

Convenient practice quizes, to study on the go!

Optional answers and explanations.

Drawing and textbook references.

exam guide

Why do we offer high quality practice exams at a low cost?

Because we believe in making the world a better place!
I know it sounds cheesy…….but it’s true! Let me explain.

Architects have a key role in designing the built environment. If we have more architects, we have
a better chance at really participating in how our world is shaped towards a better future!

In order to achieve this mission we want you to become a licensed architect!
The more architects we have the better chance we have at designing a better
environment for everyone, and not just humans!

We know the architect registration exams are very difficult. It definitely takes a
toll on you, especially your mental health! In order to help you, we want to provide you with
high quality content at a very low price to give you a better chance at becoming licensed and
becoming part of the enhancement of our built environment!

If you want to learn more about why we are offering low cost exams please visit our About page.
Yes there is more there!

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